Global communications in English

Corporate books

Many communications today are virtual and transitory. That’s why some companies are turning to the traditional book to give themselves and their brand a more enduring, tangible presence. When everything’s digital, real becomes cool.

How can we help?
Having produced many books of this type for clients, we can help you with your own book project by

  • Co-developing the concept with you
  • Carrying out or helping you with the research work required
  • Collecting written contributions and conducting interviews
  • Writing, editing and proofreading the final text
  • Providing advice and project management

We do not undertake design or make arrangements with printers, but can introduce you to specialised book designers who can do this for you.

Typical projects
Take a look at some examples of our work:

Growing with Ghana

A richly illustrated book (114 pages) celebrating the 30th anniversary of Wienco (Ghana) Ltd., the leading importer and distributor of fertilisers and agrochemicals in Ghana. (With Vuurwerk)

Making Tomorrow’s History

This book (112 pages) traces the 140-year history of B&S, a leading consumer goods wholesaler, demonstrating the company’s unity following several mergers.

Beyond Rules

Interviews with senior executives of Dutch multinationals about integrity in corporate governance, to establish Deloitte’s thought leadership. (With Gras Communicatie)

Charting New Directions – The strategic role of the CFO

Interviews with 12 leading Dutch CFOs about developments and trends in corporate governance, to establish Deloitte’s thought leadership. (With Gras Communicatie)

Drama – Mirror of Life

A richly illustrated coffee table book designed as a corporate gift to showcase the client’s sponsorship of the arts. (With Aperta)

From Private Walls to Public Halls – Collecting Art in The Netherlands

A richly illustrated coffee table book designed as a corporate gift to showcase the client’s sponsorship of the arts. (With Aperta)

The Rich World of Icons

A richly illustrated coffee table book designed as a corporate gift to showcase the client’s sponsorship of the arts. (With Aperta)

Reflect & Imagine – 20 Years of ASML

A comprehensive social and technological history of ASML, celebrating the company’s 20th anniversary, with interviews and layman’s explanations of technological breakthroughs.

Past Tense, Future Sense

A mammoth volume (773 pages) celebrating 80 years of design at Philips, with historical sketches, interviews with key figures, descriptions of projects and visionary explorations.

The New Everyday: Ambient Intelligence

A richly illustrated and comprehensive anthology describing and illustrating the Ambient Intelligence concept being developed by Philips and others.

Creating Value by Design: Thoughts & Facts

An anthology of writings by Stefano Marzano, design philosopher and former Head of Design at Philips, exploring the ideas and strategies that have inspired the work of Philips Design.

Vision of the Future

Describing the results of a project by Philips Design, which investigated life and technology in the near future, bringing together many areas of expertise and exploring ideas for new products and services.

Television at the Crossroads

A collection of essays and design concepts addressing the questions ‘Where is television heading and where will we, as viewers, be following it?’, based innovative design workshops held in Italy and the Netherlands. For Philips.

The Solid Side

A collection of essays, proposals and design concepts on the problem of creating a sustainable society, with contributions by some 30 international designers. For Philips.

Winners! How Today’s Successful Companies Innovate by Design

An exploration of how innovative design can lead to business success, illustrated by case studies. For the Netherlands Design Institute.

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