Global communications in English


Leaders today are an integral part of their organisation’s brand expression, so it’s vital they communicate well, whether it’s in a presentation, a staff email or the foreword to a publication. Of course, not everyone can be a Bill Clinton or Barack Obama. But anyone who has a well-structured story, speaks clearly, and uses visual aids that clarify rather than confuse can create a good impression.

How we can help
We regularly write or check speeches, presentations and important emails for Board Members and divisional CEOs of major multinationals. We also help professionals with conference papers and keynote addresses. We can do this by:

  • Working together with the speaker or communications staff to develop the content
  • Writing the speech or presentation itself
  • Writing or editing any slides
  • Coaching to ensure clear pronunciation and fluid presentation

Typical projects
Take a look at some examples of our work:


Some 50 speeches written for the CEO and senior executives of Philips Design, the CEO of Philips Research and the Board Member responsible for Technology.


Speeches written for the CEO and other Board members.

Loders Croklaan

Speech for the CEO of the Malaysian IOI Group on the occasion of the opening of the company’s new palm oil refinery in Rotterdam.


Several speeches for the Head of the Dutch Social & Economic Coucil (SER).

Province of North Holland

Speech for a member of the Provincial Government of North Holland to be given at an international conference.


A number of incidental speeches for the CEO.


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