Sometimes it can be a good marketing strategy to set up a site, separate from your company website, concentrating on a single topic or issue. Although it may feature your products, campaigns or events, such a microsite needs focus on the user rather than your company. This means you need fresh, unique copy, geared specifically to that end.
How can we help?
We can generate content for a variety of marketing websites of this type, either writing new copy from scratch or editing existing material.
Typical projects
Take a look at some examples of our work:
Copy and video script (Get introduced…) for the website, an initiative of the Dutch branch of IUCN, an international conservation organisation. (With Mind4Media)
![Invest in Utrecht Invest in Utrecht](
Province of Utrecht
Website for Utrecht Foreign Investment Office, to encourage international companies to set up in the province, highlighting Utrecht’s advantages and detailing local amenities, facilities and talent.
![Monte mayor Monte mayor](
Monte Mayor Golf & Country Club
A site featuring one of La Perla Living’s premier developments, designed to appeal to those in a position to enjoy the pleasures of having a luxury property in Spain.
Philips microsites
A large number of microsites for Philips in the areas of Oral Healthcare, Domestic Appliances and Male Grooming.
![DSM Dyneema DSM Dyneema](
DSM Dyneema
A business-to-business product site for DSM, featuring one of the world’s strongest materials.