Global communications in English
Quick tips

False friends: ‘good’ and ‘goed’

GoodBe careful not to give something your approval when you don’t mean to. In English, good always expresses a favourable or positive judgement.

Although, like English good, Dutch goed can also express such approval, it more often only expresses agreement or acceptance – cases where English would use OK, all right, right or correct:

A: Ik bel je straks. B: Goed.
A: I’ll call you later. B: OK.

A: Mag hij ook mee? B: Ja, goed, maar alleen als er ruimte is.
A: Can he come too? B: All right, but only if there’s room.

A: Ik zie je om 10 uur. B: Goed. Tot dan.
A: I’ll see you at 10. B: Right, see you then.

Dat is niet het goede antwoord.
That’s not the correct answer.

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